The Guardian newspaper, it is fair to say, has revolutionised itself in the last few years. Groundbreaking reports, a focus on every aspect of the news - from celebrity to foreign affairs - and a greater convergence of all media sources. If I was to name just one of its many successful stories, without a doubt I would suggest its uncovering of the phone-hacking story has shaken, stirred and part-destroyed the newspaper industry, and changed the face of journalism as it is known today.
Critics might call this a blatant promotional trailer for a news organisation which is now second in readership to the new and highly popular I Paper, but I see it as a dedication. The Guardian has dedicated itself to reporting high-quality, ground-breaking news stories to the public, and is dedicated to us the way the Queen is dedicated to her country. Rather than pressing on the current flaws in our badly-damaged press industry, it looks to the future. An integration between newspaper and internet, the latter of which it views with a pinch of salt, suggesting it is a good thing, rather than something to be worried about, as many old, tedious media-types often see it as.
In fact, The Guardian has coined the phrase 'Open Journalism' to describe its new image. Editor Alan Rusbridger leads the campaign for Open Journalism, describing journalism today as a very active process, rather than readers being "passive participants" of Journalism. He reveals that The Guardian hopes to interact more with audiences, using apps, widgets, social networking sites and links to help appeal to new, more diverse audiences.
Whether you read The Guardian or not, it is really worth watching this video to make your own opinions on the state of journalism today, and how journalism might be perceived in the future. Please comment below, I am interested in what others have to think on this subject.
The Guardian 'Open Journalism' Advert 2012
You can also read more on what The Guardian has to say on Open Journalism by following the link. There is also the opportunity for members of the public to go and visit The Guardian offices in a series of workshops at the end of March. After visiting the offices last year on work experience, it was simply breathtaking to see the news rooms and facilities that make The Guardian such a world-class news company. Well worth a visit.
Pictures Courtesy of Google Images
http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/mar/05/how-to-get-involved-open-journalism-5-march?CMP=twt_fd - Check this link guys, the Guardian has writtena piece on how you can get involved with Open Journalism. Worth a look!