So what can I tell you? Well, all my fashion knowledge comes from other people. Whether it be from a fashion blog, a magazine, friends or just from ogling people walking along the street; fashion is everywhere, and it's certainly something to be interested in. Over the last few years, men have been more and more conscious about their appearance. Wearing joggers and a tee just isn't enough to impress the ladies. You need different clothes for different occasions, you need smart wear and you need to learn not to wear trainers to every occasion. So here are some tips.

2) Shirts/ Polo's - If you're going to wear something for a special occasion/ night out, where a shirt. A guys dress sense is becoming a lot more formal now, so it pays to have a decent shirt or two. For more relaxed, day-to-day settings, a polo is great. Havana shirts have also come back into fashion, and are great for al-fresco garden parties over the summer. Check Mr Porter for some cool designs.

4) Coats - with the British weather, you never know quite how it's going to fair up. Trench coats are still in, but for smarter occasions, a blazer is a must. Bright colours for nights out with friends, darker colours for smarter occasions. Acne Menswear are fantastic, although Zara offer cheaper alternatives.

4) Footwear - espadrilles come and go, so if you are to buy a pair, pick a jazzy pair. Ones with stripes, spots or pastel colours will work well with the sun. New Look have a great collection instore, although Schuh offer a more durable range. Alternatively, swap military boots for boat shoes (Clarks are fantastic).
I could be wrong with the above advise, but it's definitely what I would recommend from what i've seen. Hopefully you'll be inspired to shop around. If you have any favourite shops/ products, please post them below, I would appreciate any feedback. And if you want any more advise, follow me on Twitter (@kieranwatkins)
Pictures from selected stores
Thanks for the kind comments Raman, nice to hear such positive feedback :)